This book is intended to address the biggest issues that face people who have decided to quit smoking. My sincere hope is that we can take this journey together. This author is a smoker. Hopefully, as I help guide you, I can help guide myself too. I truly want to quit smoking. Really, I do. But there is so much holding me back. Circumstances of life, stress, etc. all hinder me from putting down that cigarette and giving it up for good. My mother was a heavy smoker when she was younger. She quit one Super Bowl Sunday after smoking a whole carton in one day. I cant do that. But why do I continue to smoke when I want to quit so bad? Perhaps its because Ive made it such a huge part of my life. When Im stressed, I smoke. When Ive had a few drinks, I smoke. When I want to relax for just a moment, I smoke. Its not the healthiest way to deal with life, now is it? I know I need to quit because I have to take several breaks when doing normal, everyday chores l...
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